Volcan Mountain Foundation

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San Diego County, California

Santa Ysabel General Store circa 1918 Courtesy Coons Collection

Historic Santa Ysabel General Store Reopens as Backcountry Visitor Center and Mercantile

The Volcan Mountain Foundation (VMF) is proud to be partnering in the revival of the historic Santa Ysabel General Store.  VMF was instrumental in helping to put the early pieces in place that led to the purchase of the store last fall by San Diego’s Save Our Heritage Organisation (SOHO).  The rare 1884 building located at the intersection of State Routes 78 and 79, is the only adobe false front store left in the county, and was a priority site for SOHO to acquire to assure its protection and preservation.

Its prime location and unique appeal makes it the ideal spot to welcome and orient visitors to the backcountry.  VMF is partnering with 3 other conservancy organizations, San Diego River Park Foundation (SDRPF), San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy (SDRVC), and the Wildlife Research Institute (WRI) to host an exhibit room alongside the unique mercantile which will be operated by SOHO.  This is an exciting opportunity to delve into our local history, engage with visitors from all over.  VMF and its partners seek to share with visitors the treasures of Volcan Mountain, our rivers and wildlife and why it’s important to protect them and enjoy them respectfully.

The historic building started receiving visitors again on the weekend of October 5th & 6th with a grand opening slated for early December.  The visitors center will initially be open on weekends only (Friday-Sunday from 11am-5pm), with volunteer ambassadors from VMF and its partners each sharing rotating staffing duties in the exhibit space.  If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Volcan Volunteer Ambassador, please contact VMF’s Education Coordinator, Kathleen Beck ([email protected]; Office:   760-765-2300; Home:  760-765-2584) for more information.

Title Image: 
Santa Ysabel General Store Main Room