VMF's Adopt-A-Road Clean-Up - Saturday, November 9, 2024
Saturday, November 9: Every year hundreds of people from around the county visit Julian to go apple picking near Volcan Mountain or hike its trails at the Santa Ysabel East and Volcan Mountain Preserves, and while we celebrate the public connecting to nature, at times visitors inadvertently leave small amounts of trash along Farmer Road.
As official stewards of Farmer Road (between Volcan and Wynola Roads), the Volcan Mountain Foundation invites to you participate in its annual Adopt-A-Road Clean-Up Day. Volunteers will pick-up trash along this quiet and gentle portion of Farmer Road.
Date: Saturday, November 9
Time: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
What to Bring and Wear: Snacks and water. Wear comfortable walking shoes and dress in layers.
Meeting Location: Farmer Road Entrance Parking Lot at the County of San Diego Santa Ysabel East Preserve in Julian, CA
Thank you for giving your time and talent to help protect and care for the Volcan Mountain Range!
Please register below.