Julian Young Birders Club
Join the Julian Young Birders Club!
Outdoor naturalist and educator Greg Schuett and Suzie Meyer will lead bird outings on the first Saturday of each month for ages 10-13. By visiting local birding "hot spots" in the mountains of east county San Diego, Bird Club members will learn about different diverse bird species and their habitats. Youth will also learn about the life cycle of different birds, their unique features that allow them to adapt to their habitat, and how to identify them. Outing locations include VMF's Volcan Mountain Nature Center, Lake Cuyamaca, and the Santa Ysabel Preserve.
Being explorers and investigators, children will develop their observation skills and learn about the many connections found in nature while having fun in the outdoors. Membership is free, and VMF will supply binoculars and field guides.
Greg is a VMF Board Member and former Principal of the Cuyamaca Outdoor School. Suzie is VMF's Engagement Coordinator and Education Chair for the VMF Board.
Dates: First Saturday of the Month
Time: 9:00 am - 11:30 am (Note: This time will change during hotter and colder months to fit bird activity).
Meeting Location: Monthly meeting places will change depending on the outing location. Parents will be notified via email for each month's location.
Note: There is a maximum number of ten members.
This event is sponsored by the Volcan Mountain Foundation.
To register your child for the monthly Julian Young Birders Club, please complete the information below and submit. Parent/guardian release forms will be emailed following registration. If you have any questions, please call the VMF office at 760-765-2300.